Why Breathing is Difficult During Exercise & What You Can Do

Why Breathing is Difficult During Exercise & What You Can Do

Breathing is a simple, natural process, and we all do it. Even when we're asleep. But sometimes breathing can be difficult during exercise and sports activities, or even just because of cold air or allergies. If you have trouble breathing while exercising or playing sports, there are some things that you can do about it! This page will discuss why having difficulty breathing during exercise is so common and what you can do about it before rushing over and buying your own mini portable nebulizer

First things First: This is Normal

When you start to do cardiovascular exercise, you begin to breathe a little bit heavier. This is because your body needs oxygen, which causes you to breathe more quickly and slightly deeper into the lungs.

This is why some people will feel like they're out of breath after just starting their workout. They haven't caught up on all of that extra oxygen yet! However, it's important to note that this can also indicate symptoms of dyspnea, exercise-induced asthma, and more! 

Steps for Getting Your Breathing in Check 

If you find yourself with problems breathing consistently while working out, there are a few things that you can do to help yourself breathe better. Keep the following tips in mind while trying to get your breathing in check. 

1. Consider How Hard You are Working Out

Make sure your fitness routine is within the guidelines for your age and physical condition. Working out too much or too hard and exercising with an existing medical condition (such as asthma) could cause problems breathing during exercise.

When you have a condition such as asthma, you should keep a rechargeable portable nebulizer with you at all times to help you breathe. A mini portable nebulizer will give your lungs the extra air boost when you need it the most!

2. Warm Up Before Working Out 

Getting your muscles ready for the workout is key for a successful workout. If possible, start off by walking or jogging slowly to prepare yourself before getting into an intense cardiovascular exercise routine. This will help your body reduce stress on your heart when working out, making breathing easier. 

Whether you are just starting your day or starting back up with your workout routine, you should always warm up first. Do some stretches and make sure your body is ready to begin working out. 

If you are out of breath even before starting the exercise, this might be a sign that something is wrong! You might have a condition that merits the use of a mini portable nebulizer. 

3. Make Sure You Warm Down After Your Workout 

Just like the warm-up, you should always make sure your body is prepared for exercise. If possible, after finishing a workout or cardio session, try to walk slowly and do some stretches before going back home. 

Don't forget that mini portable nebulizer if you have a condition that needs it! Make sure it's charged and ready to go for when you need it the most. 

4. Drink Plenty of Water 

The better hydrated you are, the easier it will be for your body to breathe. Ensure that you keep up on drinking plenty of water before and after exercise to stay well-hydrated throughout the day. 

Keeping up on your water intake will keep you feeling and breathing better. Make sure to bring mini portable nebulizers along in case of emergency! 

5. Go See a Doctor


As we have mentioned, there are some conditions that you might have that make breathing difficult and exercising extremely hard. 

If you find yourself out of breath even before starting your workout, it might be a good idea to see a doctor. It could be something as simple as a mini portable nebulizer or asthma inhaler prescription, but sometimes more significant issues are at play (like heart problems). 

Common Conditions That Make Breathing More Difficult

Now that we covered some basic steps, it might be good to look into some of the common conditions that make breathing more difficult. Be sure to research more on these conditions and see a doctor if you feel you might have one! 

1. Dyspnea

Dyspnea is a condition that makes the act of breathing difficult. If you find yourself struggling to take in air, even when your body is not doing an intense workout, this could be a sign of dyspnea. Dyspnea comes with many different symptoms and is best diagnosed by a doctor. 

2. Asthma

More than likely, you would already know if you have asthma by the time you read this. However, lesser common variants such as exercise-induced asthma may fly under the radar until appropriately diagnosed. Typically, treatment will include the use of a rechargeable portable nebulizer. 


COPD is usually the result of smoking, but it could also be brought on by other environmental factors. This would be a worst-case scenario, as COPD is a pretty serious condition that will need constant use of your rechargeable portable nebulizer for treatment. Typically, this will be the least likely possible cause of your breathing problems if you are on the younger side. 

4. Bronchitis

It is normal to have bronchitis when you have an existing condition such as asthma. However, if the bronchitis is not related to another medical problem, it might be a good idea to see a doctor before exercising. Sometimes, it's best to wait for a week or so and let the symptoms of bronchitis subside before jumping back on the treadmill! 

5. Pneumonia

Pneumonia is another common condition that affects the lungs and breathing. Pneumonia can become serious very quickly, so make sure to visit your doctor and see what kind of treatments are in order. 

Need to Buy a Mini Portable Nebulizer? 

portable nebulizer

Don't let yourself get discouraged while trying to breathe during exercise. You might need a rechargeable portable nebulizer for treating a condition or need to follow some of the steps laid out above. In any case, there should be little stopping you from getting back out to the gym. Check out our variety of nebulizers here at Wizard Research today!