10 Common Foods & Drinks that Instantly Raise Blood Pressure

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10 Common Foods & Drinks that Instantly Raise Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is a severe health condition that can lead to heart disease, stroke, and other serious medical conditions. While many factors contribute to high blood pressure, there are also some common foods and drinks that can instantly raise your blood pressure. If you have high blood pressure and use a digital blood pressure machine, avoid these ten common foods and drinks.

1. Coffee & Other Caffeine Products

Coffee and other caffeine products can raise blood pressure by constricting blood vessels and increasing heart rate. Caffeine can also cause a temporary increase in blood pressure by stimulating the sympathetic nervous system.

In people with hypertension, coffee and other caffeinated beverages should be limited to avoid further increases in blood pressure. Otherwise, you might find yourself needing to take more readings on a digital blood pressure machine.

2. Table Salt

If you have high blood pressure, you may need to watch how much salt (sodium) you eat. This is because too much sodium can cause fluid retention, which can raise blood pressure.

For best results, it is recommended that people with high blood pressure limit their sodium intake to less than 2,300 mg a day — about one teaspoon of salt. If you are worried that you ate too much salt, a digital blood pressure machine can help you keep up with your blood pressure levels.

3. Fried Foods

Eating fried foods can raise your blood pressure. The high-fat content in fried foods can clog your arteries and make it difficult for your heart to pump blood. The salt in fried foods can also cause your blood pressure to rise. If you have high blood pressure, you should avoid fried foods. Otherwise, you might need to start using a digital blood pressure machine soon!

4. Canned & Processed Foods

Canned and processed foods can raise blood pressure for a variety of reasons. The sodium content in these foods can cause water retention, which in turn can lead to high blood pressure. In addition, the preservatives and other chemicals in these foods can also contribute to high blood pressure.

People who eat too many canned & processed foods are usually also the ones that end up trying to find the best digital blood pressure monitor. Take care of your health today and start better monitoring what you put into your body!

5. Salted Chips, Pretzels, and Similar Snacks


Salt is a mineral that is necessary for the body to function, but too much salt can lead to high blood pressure. When you eat salty foods, your body retains water to dilute the salt. This extra water puts strain on your heart and blood vessels and over time, can lead to high blood pressure.

If you have high blood pressure or are at risk for it, limit your intake of salty foods like chips, pretzels, and other snacks. Otherwise, you might need to find the best digital blood pressure monitor and start better monitoring your blood pressure!

6. Fast Food

Nobody said that fast food was healthy in the first place! Over time, eating lots of fast food can lead to weight gain. This extra weight can put a strain on your heart and blood vessels and cause your blood pressure to go up.

If you want to avoid using a digital blood pressure machine in the near future, you really need to start taking better care of yourself. Start eating more fruits and vegetables whenever you get the urge to go out to eat at a fast-food restaurant instead!

7. Soda

Soda can raise blood pressure for a variety of reasons. The sugar in soda can cause weight gain, leading to high blood pressure. The caffeine in soda can also cause an increase in blood pressure. Not to mention, it isn't a very healthy thing to drink in the first place.

For best results, try to drink more water whenever you get the urge to drink soda. This will help you to quench your thirst while keeping your blood pressure in check.

8. Alcohol

While a moderate amount of alcohol can actually lower your blood pressure, too much alcohol can have the opposite effect and raise your blood pressure. When you drink alcohol, your body produces more urine, causing you to become dehydrated. This can lead to an increase in your heart rate and make your blood vessels constrict, which raises your blood pressure.

9. Saturated & Trans Fat

Saturated and trans fats can raise blood pressure by causing the body to retain more fluid. This extra fluid puts extra pressure on the blood vessels, which raises blood pressure. Try avoiding foods like fatty cuts of meat, butter, cheese, cream, ice cream, pastry, and so on. Each of these products are high in saturated and trans fats and can cause your blood pressure to go up!

10. Cigarettes

Although not technically a food, it is heavily worth mentioning that cigarettes can raise blood pressure by constricting the blood vessels. This increases the resistance to blood flow and forces the heart to work harder to pump blood through the body. Over time, this can lead to high blood pressure.

Not to mention, cigarette smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States. There is absolutely nothing healthy about smoking. In addition to causing problems with your lungs, it can cause problems with your blood pressure.

Need to Start Taking Better BP Readings?

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